Asuman Bunsuz joins the Veprintsev labUpdated: Nov 25, 2019Asuman Bunsuz joins the lab to study the molecular basis of efficacy of GPCR pharmacological ligands by combining computational and experimental approaches.
Asuman Bunsuz joins the lab to study the molecular basis of efficacy of GPCR pharmacological ligands by combining computational and experimental approaches.
Fully funded PhD. Developing quantum biosensing GPCR drug discovery platform. G protein coupled receptor coordinate functions of our body by transmitting extracellular hormonal to the inside of the cell. GPCRs offer...
PhD project. GPCR on-a-chip: quantum biosensor for drug discoveryThe goal of this project is to develop quantum biosensors for drug discovery at single molecule level. Quantum sensing detects changes in...
PhD project: Role of GPCR autoantibodies in auto-immune hepatitisShort read: The project is focused on identification of autoantibodies against a panel of inflammation related GPCRs in patient samples...