Mireia received her MSc degree in Structural Bioinformatics from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) in 2015. She did her PhD in the Computational Medicine Lab at UAB (2015-2019) where she focussed on the understanding of the structure and function of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) by applying computational chemistry techniques such as homology modelling, docking and molecular dynamics simulations.
In 2018, she visited the Computational Chemistry group at Janssen Pharmaceuticals using Free Energy Perturbation for drug discovery. After that, and while she was finishing her PhD, she briefly worked at a biotech start-up company as a molecular modelling and GPCRs expert consultant.
In January 2020, Mireia joined the Veprintsev lab, at the Centre of Membrane Protein and Receptors (COMPARE), contributing to understand GPCRs pharmacological ligands and bias signalling by computational approaches.